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Summertime Safety Tips for Pets

Summer is arriving at last! Here are some tips to prep your pet for the sunnier days to come.Keep your pet leashed and be mindful of what snakes might be in your area and where they like to hide, including areas with...

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The Paw-sitive Power of Pets

From giving affection to reducing stress and increasing contentment, your pet can improve your health and well-being. Return the favor and get peace of mind in the process by getting them the best coverage for their...

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Pet Arthritis Awareness

From frostbitten paws to iced-over water bowls, there are lots of pet hazards related to lower temps. But did you know that one of most painful conditions for dogs and cats can be aggravated by cold weather? Not just a...

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Protect Your Pet's Paws!

Hot pavement? Hotfoot it to cooler ground! You wouldn't want to walk outside barefoot when it's blazing hot, would you? Neither does your dog. That's because paw pads can get burned from walking on hot streets and...

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Keeping your pet healthy during happy hour.

You know not to give your pet a cocktail, but if he decides to taste something containing alcohol, he can get extremely sick. The average cost to treat alcohol toxicity in pets: $484.00.* Helpful clues for pet safety...

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Should I make an emergency plan for my pet?

If your pet ate a box of chocolates late at night, would you know where the nearest emergency animal hospital was? Know where to go - Before an emergency strikes, it's a good idea to research 24-hour emergency pet...

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Pet Health Tip for May

Turn on Some Tunes!A quiet, empty house can make pets bored and lonely—and more likely to go looking for trouble. Fill the silence - Soft music or talk radio can keep your pet company while you're at work or away from...

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Dogs & Umbrella Insurance

Love Bites—Get Umbrella Coverage - In today’s economy, everyone is pinching pennies. So why worry about umbrella coverage? Shouldn’t a home and auto policy leave you adequately covered? Unfortunately, we live in a world...

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Be Prepared for the Coolest Summer Ever with Your Pet

When the summer heat and humidity start to rise, it's important to understand how pets are affected. Here are some simple tips for keeping your pets cool, comfortable and safe. H2O is a pet's best friend Unlike humans,...

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We Need Your Vote!

Don't forget to get your votes in for your favorite video! • Ruby: • Gabe: • Sundance:

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Calling All Proud Pet Owners!

In honor of National Pet Month, we are sponsoring a Cutest Pet Contest. To enter, visit our Facebook page and "Like" us, then submit the best photo of your pet May 1 - 15th (Limit one photo submission per household,...

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National Pet Month

May is National Pet Month, and what a great time to reflect on the importance of pets and pet ownership. National Pet Month, which began over twenty years ago, was started in England where it is celebrated in April each...

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