September is Campus Fire Safety Month, and it offers a wonderful opportunity for parents to speak to their college students about the importance of fire safety on campus.
What does a conversation about fire safety sound like? For starters, do you know if your student has a fire extinguisher in his/her dorm room or apartment? If so, do they know how to use it? Do they know how to get out of a building using a route other than the elevator? These sound like simple questions, but they are very important ones to ask.
Fire safety education is proven to save lives, yet many college students rarely hear about it and it is rarely discussed. Many students haven’t received formal fire safety education since the "Stop, Drop and Roll" campaign taught in primary school.
Make sure your kids have extinguishers, make sure they understand their evacuation routes, and ensure that they test their smoke alarms every single month. These simple tips can -- and do -- save lives.